Bethel Baptist Church is an Independent Baptist Church located in Richmond Hill, Georgia. It is our conviction that God's Word provides the only solid foundation on which to build our lives. We believe God has a purpose and plan for every life. Many families and individuals have discovered the joy of being a part of a compassionate Bible-believing church like Bethel. Our prayer is for people to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and then become involved in a church that honors Him.
We invite you to come discover God's plan and purpose for you life at Bethel.
Bethel Baptist Church was born in the heart of a people who felt the need of a Bible-believing Baptist Church. This group of people started meeting in January 1976 under the leadership of Rev. J. Carswell Milligan. The group continued to meet for a period of 18 months even though no organizational service was held.
In March of 1977, Rev. Milligan resigned as "pastor" of this group of believers. In June 1977, Bible Baptist Church in Savannah, Georgia, Dr. Cecil Hodges, pastor, agreed to become the sponsoring church of this group of believers. In June 1977, an organizational meeting was held in Richmond Hill with Dr. Hodges serving as moderator. During this meeting the church called William N. Sheppard of Savannah, Georgia as pastor. The church voted to adopt its constitution and by-laws as a New Testament Baptist Church. The church was organized with approximately 35 people. Bro. Sheppard would continue as pastor of the church until July 1981. During this time the church grew to an average of 75 and started supporting Independent Baptist Missionaries.
The church in Oct. 1981 voted to call Carlton Cooper from Augusta, Georgia as pastor. Pastor Cooper and his family assumed the pastorate on Nov. 1, 1981. Pastor Cooper and his wife, Lynette, have three children and eight grandchildren. He pastored Bethel Baptist Church faithfully for thirty-three and a half years. During this time, the Lord greatly blessed and prospered his ministry to the community of Richmond Hill, Georgia; the church grew and matured greatly under his leadership. Pastor Carlton Cooper went home to be with the Lord on July 29th, 2015.
In November of 2015, Bethel extended a call to Brian Cooper (son of the late Carlton Cooper) to become the next pastor. Pastor Brian followed the Lord's call to become the Pastor of Bethel Baptist Church and arrived on January 27th, 2016. Pastor Brian is married to Eja and has four children.
Bethel Baptist Church has grown and God has blessed over the years. Prior to Covid, the church averaged 275 to 300 on Sunday mornings. It also supports and partners with 100 different missions projects. Over the years, the church has given in excess of 2 million dollars to worldwide missions through Faith Promise Missions giving. Bethel has had the pleasure to send out many of its members into full-time Christian ministry, such as church planters, pastors, and missionaries. The church is busy serving God through a number of outreach ministries doing it's best at fulfilling the Great Commission.
After many years of ministry, Bethel Baptist Church continues to be a Bible-believing Baptist Church. By God's grace, it will continue to be a light in our area and around the world.

Pastor Brian Cooper
Pastor Brian grew up in a pastor's home. He lived in the state of Georgia most of his life and trusted Christ at the age of thirteen. He has served in many areas of ministry, including as an educator, a youth pastor, and a pastor for 21 years. He has been the Pastor of Bethel Baptist Church since January 2016. He met his wife, Eja, while they were both attending Crown College in Powell, TN. They were married on June 27, 1998. They have 4 beautiful children - Julia (married), Preston, Peyton, and Justin. The Coopers love serving the Lord together and spending time with friends and family while watching the Georgia Bulldogs play.

Bro. Tim Patterson
Assistant to the Pastor
Bro. Tim Patterson was born and raised in Massachusetts and was saved at 5yrs old as a product of the bus ministry. At the age of 19, he felt the call to preach. He and his wife, Linda met while studying for the ministry at Hyles Anderson College. They were married on June 23rd, 1990, and have been serving full-time in the ministry since 1991.
Bro. Tim joined the staff at Bethel Baptist Church in the summer of 2021. He assists Pastor Brian with the day-to-day operations; additionally he leads the student, connection, and blessings ministries.

Bro. Craig Howard
Assistant to the Pastor
Bro. Craig grew up attending Bethel and trusted Christ as his Savior at the age of 16. At the age of 17, he felt the call to preach and later attended Crown College of the Bible. He graduated in 2016 with a Bachelor's degree in Pastoral Studies and returned to Bethel. He met his wife, Brooke, while on staff at Bethel and was married on April 28, 2018. They have two daughters, Charlotte and Lyla, and one son, Owen.
Bro. Craig joined the staff at Bethel Baptist Church in the summer of 2016. He assists Pastor Brian with the outreach, media, and children's ministries.

Bro. Samuel Volante
Assistant to the Pastor
Bro. Samuel grew up in Ghana, West Africa in a Missionary family. He was saved at a young age and later attended Crown College of the Bible where he met his wife, Julia (Cooper) Volante. He graduated in 2022 with a Bachelor's degree in Pastoral Studies.
Bro. Samuel joined the staff at Bethel Baptist Church in the summer of 2022. He assists Pastor Brian with the youth department, bus ministry, and missions ministry.
The statement of faith does not exhaust the extent of our faith. The Bible itself is the sole and final source of all that we believe. We do believe, however, that the foregoing statement of faith accurately represents the teaching of the Bible, and therefore, is binding upon all members. All literature used in the church shall be in complete agreement with the statement of faith.
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Service Times
Sunday School & Growth Groups 9:30am
Sunday Morning Worship 10:30am
Sunday Evening Worship 5pm
Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting 7pm
Bethel Baptist Church
40 White Oak Ln
Richmond Hill, GA 31324
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